TGD continues to save you money and deliver our top quality components across the country, day in, day out.
Our PMI testing is perhaps the most stringent in an industry which relies heavily upon supply of the correct materials for the first time, every time.
This ‘Positive Material Identification’ guarantees that all of our stainless steel components are dispatched correctly and are the specified grade, as per your order – and consistent with the extensive testing of components and glass panel systems which we carry out to Australian Standards.

How PMI Works: Material Matching
Our state-of-the-art testing instrument is a ‘mPulse™ LIBS Analyser’. The instrument is held onto each component’s surface and the trigger is pulled to release a minute electrical charge internally to detect 2205 Duplex stainless or 316, 316L or 304 stainless. The electric current atomises a tiny amount of the component’s surface, enabling the instrument to match the structure of the material against its database of various alloys.
All our PMI test results are kept on file and attached to the batch of goods in the warehouse. A copy of these results can be supplied anytime upon request.
For spigots, 2205 stainless is our chosen material due to its superior strength and corrosion resistance over standard 316 marine grade stainless steel. The tight grain structure and highly polished surface prevents corrosive minerals sticking to the surface or coastal conditions causing ‘tea-staining’.
As each batch of spigots enter our main stores warehouse, samples are chosen at random to undergo a PMI test. The test is conducted in the goods inward area so, in the unlikely case of mistaken or bad supply, a failed component can be immediately quarantined as ‘non-conformant’ in line with our quality control system.

Tight batch and part control ensure our pool fence and balustrade parts leave TGD as per order and as per specification.
Getting What You Paid For

Trade Glass Depot isn’t aware of any other supplier who checks their stainless steel grades the way we do. We’ve invested time and money ensuring no-one gets a nasty shock down the track if any of our hardware fails, starts corroding prematurely and becomes unsafe or simply doesn’t look as good as the day we supplied it, due to a poor stainless grade or a supply mistake that would go undetected if we just relied upon a manufacturing certificate.
Want to ensure that your stainless steel pool fencing is off the highest quality? With Trade Glass Depot, there is no match for quality as shown with our PMI testing. Download our product catalogue today for more information!